I am truly happy to convey my message to our parents through this site. In true sense the school is light house to the society. The school does't change only the scenario of individual or family, but in real sense it paves the true way to the society through its children. The main aim before foundation of Trinity International Public School (TIPS) was to emancipate one self from the bondages of ignorance through knowledge.
The aim behind the education to TIPS is to realise the real identity of individual through knowledge. Our aim is to make our students free from book burden, caramming and tuitions by providing such environment to them so that they may learn themselves without extra pressure.
Our motto is to generate the true and responsible citizens of tomorrow. Our aim is not stop without achieving our goal but in the words of Swami Vivekanand "Arise, wake & Stop Not Till The Goal Is Reached". Our journey of the education is endless and well be in pursuit of excellence. It is possible only because the whole TIPS Pariwar (management, staff and students) work through the principle of synergy.
The TIPS has got the best dedicated team in the field of education. We are very much optimistic that in near future we will become not only excellent in U.P. but through out students we will create historic foot prints in the whole India. We pray out heartfelt regards to out parents who are motivating us through their words of appreciations for out teaching methodology, discipline of our students and extra curricular activities.
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